
The Vital Role of a Fleet Manager

in Blog

At FleetServ, we talk a lot about the importance of improving your fleet’s performance through emission-reducing devices and regulatory compliance. But perhaps the most important element of any fleet is the Fleet Manager.

As a fleet manager, not only do you need to stay on top of state and federal regulations, but you also have to navigate the personalities of your drivers and much more to boot. An effective fleet manager can juggle all these aspects, and make his or her fleet thrive and succeed.

Common Responsibilities of the Fleet Manager

You are responsible for a wide range of duties, and so versatility is perhaps the most important quality you can possess.

Among many responsibilities, a fleet manager:

  1. Stays up-to-date on transportation regulations: including regional, state, and federal regulations
  2. Calculates load times: taking into account weather and traffic conditionsFleet Manager
  3. Handles emergency situations: remains calm and collected, with knowledge of emergency protocol
  4. Manages and provides leadership for a team of drivers: uses managerial and problem-solving skills to lead and inspire drivers
  5. Tracks maintenance: keeps records and schedules maintenance, ensuring compliance with various regulations
  6. Oversees fleet finances and purchasing decisions: depending on the organization, a fleet manager can help craft budgets and make purchasing decisions to achieve company goals

How FleetServ Helps You Be a Successful Fleet Manager

FleetServ is dedicated to supporting you in your vital role as fleet manager. We know how busy you are, and so we provide effective solutions to make your job easier.

Our services specifically designed for fleet managers include:

For more information, read our recent blog on the 5 major challenges that fleet managers face.

photo credit: tec_estromberg via photopin cc

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