
Does the Cold Reduce Gas Mileage?

in Blog

Cold weather can be a nightmare for drivers. From slick roads and low visibility to salt and ice damage to vehicles, a lot can happen. But did you know that cold weather can also negatively affect your gas mileage? This can be especially detrimental to fleet managers with a large team about to head into colder areas.

Understanding why cold weather decreases gas mileage can help you prevent the loss of time and money.

Why Does Cold Weather Decrease Gas Mileage?Winter Gas Mileage

Here are three ways a frigid atmosphere can affect your gas mileage:

  1. In cold weather people spend more time idling. Gas is lost while people are simply warming up their cars and trucks. They are also more prone to sit in the warm car longer and turn the heat up higher, using more gas.
  2. When the temperature drops, so does tire pressure. When tire pressure drops, your gas mileage drops along with it. Winter tires also create more resistance on the road.
  3. Gas companies make weaker gasoline blends during the winter. While it makes the gas work more efficiently at cold temperatures, it decreases your gas mileage.

What Can You Do?

You can’t control the weather and we often can’t control decreasing gas mileage during cold weather. However, there are positive steps you can take to save both time and money, especially if you run a fleet. Companies such as FleetServ not only offer great information on how to manage your fuel usage, but also provide personalized services for your individual situation. If you’re serious about taking control of your gas mileage, consider contacting the experts for help.

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