
Periodic Smoke Inspection Program Testing

in Blog

In the state of California, law requires Periodic Smoke Inspection Program Testing, and the experts at Fleetserv are here to help you comply.  But before you can comply with required testing, you have to understand what it entails.

This blog is here to help you understand PSIP, so your trucks will comply with all regulations.

What is PSIP?Periodic Smoke Inspection Program

This program was created to help manage the emissions of all diesel fleets in the state of California.  The main objective is to have every truck in a diesel fleet given a smoke opacity test each year to ensure minimal emissions.

In order to move through these tests successfully, you must:

  1. Meet Standards. Have less than 40% opacity for vehicles built after 1991, and less than 55% for all vehicles built before that year.
  2. Keep Records. Have detailed records of your tests dating back at least 2 years.

If you do not comply with this annual testing your fleet will be fined for each of the vehicles without testing or records for any given year.

How Fleetserv Can Help

Fleetserv is staffed with experts who all understand the importance of compliance with PSIP, and we will help you test your vehicles at your convenience.  With the help of the Fleetserv team, you will have your tests completed, records compiled, and results printed and bound, all in the comfort of your own garage.

Call Fleetserv today and let us help you keep your fleets up to par!

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